Top 5 richest NASCAR drivers in 2023

Publish date: 2024-05-03

NASCAR, the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, is an adrenaline-fueled and immensely popular motorsport in the United States.

These speed-loving, skilled athletes in NASCAR have not only conquered the race tracks but also amassed substantial fortunes through their success in the sport.

With lucrative sponsorships, endorsements, and winnings, these drivers have secured their places among the wealthiest individuals in the racing world.

#1 Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Dale Earnhardt Jr., regarded as one of the wealthiest NASCAR drivers, has an approximate net worth of $300 million.

His racing journey commenced in the late 1990s, propelling him to legendary status within the racing community. Remarkably, from 2003 to 2017, he was voted NASCAR's Most Popular Driver for 15 consecutive years.

Earnhardt Jr.'s achievements include triumphs at the 2004 and 2014 Daytona 500s, as well as securing the NASCAR XFINITY Series titles in 1998 and 1999. Throughout his illustrious career, he achieved victory in 50-sanctioned races. Additionally, he owns JR Motorsports, a prestigious professional race team.

#2 Jeff Gordon

As of 2023, Jeff Gordon holds the distinction of being the second-wealthiest professional NASCAR driver, with his widespread fame and triumphant performances contributing to an approximate net worth of $230 million.

He played a pivotal role in propelling the sport to mainstream prominence, becoming a well-known figure in households across the nation. Gordon's remarkable career boasts four Cup Series Championships and three Daytona 500 victories.

With a total of 93 Cup Series wins, he currently stands third on NASCAR's all-time list. Having retired from racing, Gordon now serves as vice chairman and holds a partial ownership stake in Hendrick Motorsports.

#3 Jimmie Johnson

Jimmie Johnson stands as one of the wealthiest professional stock car drivers, with an approximate net worth of $180 million. His track record speaks volumes about his talent, having secured an impressive seven Cup Series championships, a unique feat in the sport's history.

Notably, he is the only driver to achieve championship titles in consecutive years. Johnson's racing journey began in 2002, and he currently shares the record for the most Cup Series championships with Dale Earnhardt and Richard Petty.

Moreover, he earned the prestigious title of Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year in 2009, making him the only race car driver to be bestowed with this honor.

#4 Tony Stewart

Tony Stewart has an approximate net worth of around $100 million. His fame stems from his unparalleled achievement as the sole driver in racing history to claim championships in NASCAR, IndyCar racing, and Silver Crown cars.

With three Cup Series titles to his name, Stewart joins the exclusive group of just four other drivers who have accomplished this remarkable feat, several of whom also make up this list.

Notably, he continues to actively participate in NASCAR as the owner of Tony Stewart Racing and Eldora Speedway.

#5 Kevin Harvick

Kevin Harvick, a prominent NASCAR professional, boasts an approximate net worth of $90 million, placing him among the ranks of the wealthiest race car drivers. His racing triumphs have been the primary source of his fortune.

With an impressive total of 60 career NASCAR Cup Series victories, Harvick has conquered prestigious races like the Daytona 500, Coca-Cola 600, Brickyard 400, and Southern 500. Furthermore, his accomplishments extend to two Xfinity Series championships and 47 Xfinity Series wins.

Harvick's achievements were acknowledged on multiple occasions, as he received the 2014 Cup Series championship from President Obama and was honored with an ESPY for Best Driver by ESPN's Sports Award.

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