Lumoona Review: Check The Details Here!

Publish date: 2024-05-06

You are now looking for the Lumoona Review. This is because you searched for the reviews to see if it is legit or fraudulent.

You are most likely here because you will find the complete impartial reviews about, with 100% proof.

What is the website?

Lumoona sells Orgone Pyramids and Crystals online.
According to the whois record, this website was registered on 2022-06-02. According to scamadviser, the trust score for this site is 1/100.
The zero thought website has the most comprehensive list of scam websites. This is the best website for reviewing online stores.

The Most Important Points About Lumoona Website:

These points will help you understand the legitimacy of the website. Let’s now take a look at both the positive and the negative aspects of the website. Keep checking the zerothought website for more information.

This website has a disadvantage:

This website has many advantages:

Now you know the positive and negative aspects of the website. Let’s now look at the points that prove it is legitimate or fraudulent. Please read the following section and leave your comments if applicable. It can help many people who are still confused about this site.

Read daily articles at to learn more about scam sites and how you can avoid being conned.

These points will prove Lumoona is legit or a scam

Questions frequently asked about the onlie store

What payment method do they use?

There are several payment options available: Visa, MasterCard and AMEX.

What is the delivery timeline?

We ship directly from these countries so it may take 6-12 business day for your item to arrive (depending on where you live).

How old is your website?

The website’s age is recorded on 2022-06-02

What’s the discount for their store?

Discount on their website: No discount available

How do I contact them?

Their contact information is 1755 Broadway Front 3 #1012 New York NY 10019,

Our opinion about Lumoona

According to scamadviser, this site’s trust rating is 1/100. This site has a low trust rating, which means that it is visited less often. Customers are required to give feedback. The prices on popular portals have been criticized. We checked to see if they were excessively high or low. Before making any purchase, we recommend that you thoroughly research the site. You can also view a list of scam websites for 2022 on Zero Thought.
