Difference Between This And These

Publish date: 2024-05-07

This and These are two pronouns that are used frequently in the English language. Although they are both used to refer to objects and concepts, they are used in different contexts and have different levels of specificity. Knowing when to use one over the other can be difficult, so understanding the basic differences between This and These is important in order to use them correctly.

Defining This and These

This is used to refer to a singular object or concept that is near the speaker. It is used to point out or refer to something that is close by or immediately present. This is often used to introduce an object or concept that is close in proximity. It can also be used to refer back to a previous point or discussion.

These, on the other hand, is used to refer to multiple objects or concepts that are near the speaker. It is used to refer to two or more objects or concepts that are close in proximity. It can also be used to refer back to a previous point or discussion, but it implies that there are multiple points or objects being referred to.

Using This and These

This is generally used when referring to a singular object or concept. For example, “This is a book.” In this sentence, “this” is referring to the singular object of “a book”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple objects or concepts. For example, “These are books.” In this sentence, “these” is referring to the multiple objects of “books”.

Grammatical Uses of This and These

This and These can also be used as determiners or pronouns. As determiners, they are used to introduce or refer to nouns. For example, “This book is interesting.” Here, “this” is used to introduce the noun “book”. Similarly, as pronouns, they are used to substitute nouns. For example, “This is interesting.” Here, “this” is used to refer back to the previously mentioned noun “book”.

Using This and These with Verbs

This and These can also be used with verbs. This is generally used when referring to a singular verb. For example, “This does not make sense.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular verb “does not make sense”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple verbs. For example, “These do not make sense.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple verbs “do not make sense”.

Using This and These with Adjectives

This and These can also be used with adjectives. This is generally used when referring to a singular adjective. For example, “This is confusing.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular adjective “confusing”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple adjectives. For example, “These are confusing.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple adjectives “are confusing”.

Using This and These with Adverbs

This and These can also be used with adverbs. This is generally used when referring to a singular adverb. For example, “This quickly.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular adverb “quickly”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple adverbs. For example, “These quickly.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple adverbs “quickly”.

Using This and These with Prepositional Phrases

This and These can also be used with prepositional phrases. This is generally used when referring to a singular prepositional phrase. For example, “This in the garden.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular prepositional phrase “in the garden”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple prepositional phrases. For example, “These in the garden.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple prepositional phrases “in the garden”.

Using This and These with Noun Phrases

This and These can also be used with noun phrases. This is generally used when referring to a singular noun phrase. For example, “This tree.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular noun phrase “tree”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple noun phrases. For example, “These trees.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple noun phrases “trees”.

Using This and These with Clauses

This and These can also be used with clauses. This is generally used when referring to a singular clause. For example, “This is true.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular clause “is true”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple clauses. For example, “These are true.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple clauses “are true”.

Using This and These with Conjunctions

This and These can also be used with conjunctions. This is generally used when referring to a singular conjunction. For example, “This and that.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular conjunction “and that”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple conjunctions. For example, “These and those.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple conjunctions “and those”.

Using This and These with Comparisons

This and These can also be used with comparisons. This is generally used when referring to a singular comparison. For example, “This is bigger.” Here, “this” is referring to the singular comparison “is bigger”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple comparisons. For example, “These are bigger.” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple comparisons “are bigger”.

Using This and These with Questions

This and These can also be used with questions. This is generally used when referring to a singular question. For example, “This is what?” Here, “this” is referring to the singular question “is what?”. Similarly, these is used when referring to multiple questions. For example, “These are what?” Here, “these” is referring to the multiple questions “are what?”.


This and These are two pronouns that are used frequently in the English language. Knowing the difference between them is essential in order to use them correctly. This is generally used when referring to a singular object or concept, while these is used when referring to multiple objects or concepts. This and these can also be used as determiners, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, noun phrases, clauses, conjunctions, comparisons, and questions. Understanding the basic difference between This and These is important in order to use them correctly.

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