7 Senior Trip Ideas That Require Your Bestie & Passport

Publish date: 2024-05-08

It’s your senior year of high school and you’re just one year away from your next adventure, whether that’s college, a gap year, or employment. You know that means? That means it’s the perfect time to take your senior trip ideas to the next level. Forget the beach or that stereotypical group skiing trip – hop on the next plane and participate in a high school abroad program!

two girls with cameras

Going abroad for your senior trip isn’t just an incredible opportunity to get out your front door, see the world, and explore. It’s a chance to really learn about another culture, and even include your experience on those college apps you’ve definitely, already, started working on! You’ll also make friends with like-minded students who are also passionate about expanding their worldview (and just think of all the Instas). Excited yet? 

Grab your bestie and fill out your passport application—these are the can't miss senior trip ideas for next year.

7 stellar senior trip ideas for the class of 2019

There are thousands of high school abroad programs waiting out there for you to choose from. Whether you have a passion for volunteering, a love of learning about new cuisine, or are crazy about being outdoors, there’s something for everyone when planning your senior trip abroad! Here are just a few amazing senior trip ideas to choose from, but don’t be afraid to do more research and find one that is perfect for you! The world is yours for the taking. 

1. Wildlife Expedition in Costa Rica with GVI


Are you wild for wilderness? Consider joining GVI’s research team in Costa Rica and explore rainforests, assist in turtle population studies, and learn all about jaguar and other wildlife photography. This program is great for students looking for a hands-on experience in a stunning tropical setting, with the chance to really beef up their resume with experiential learning opportunities. The downside? If you don’t like bug spray or getting your hands a little dirty, this program probably isn’t for you. 

2. Learn a New Language with SPI 


So you don’t want to just walk the walk – you want to talk the talk. If you’re interested in making the most out of your senior trip abroad, SPI’s high school language immersion and cultural leadership programs might be just the thing for you. With the option to study in Italy, Spain, France, China, or Costa Rica, you have many languages and locations to choose from.

Even better? SPI encourages full language immersion, so you’ll be fluent in no time! This program can also count towards college credit, which makes it even easier to convince mom and dad how you, like, totally need to go.

3. Sing Your Heart Out in Seoul with CIEE

streets of south korea

A program like no other, CIEE’s high school summer program in Seoul, South Korea, offers students the out-of-this-world chance to fully immerse themselves in the crazy, globally-loved world of K-pop.

K-pop, if you don’t already know, is a specific genre of pop music that is unique to South Korea. It is known for its high energy, trendsetting fashion, choreography, and viral music videos set to dance, pop, and electronic music. This program will bring you to the heart of K-pop in South Korea’s capital city, with a chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at the Korean entertainment industry and fan culture. 

4. Give Back in Ecuador with Youth for Understanding

mountain in ecuador

If you’re hoping to make your senior trip a little less vacation-y and a little more service oriented, consider participating in Youth for Understanding (YFU)’s cultural exchange volunteer program in Ecuador!

This is a great opportunity to become immersed in the local culture of Quito, Ecuador, where you’ll live with a host family and give back to the community by volunteering with low-income children. This program is specifically designed to push you outside of your comfort zone, and to use your global curiosity to help facilitate better lives for local children in need.

5. Explore the Pacific with Carpe Diem

beach with surfers

With Carpe Diem Education, you will have a truly, one-of-a-kind experience exploring Australia, Fiji, and New Zealand. With an emphasis on homestays, volunteering, and experiencing the outdoors, this program fully immerses students in the Maori indigenous community, teaches you Fijian, and brings you to the heart of Australian Aboriginal culture.

For those looking for a less-than-stereotypical trip to the Land Down Under, this is your chance to explore areas and cultures that are otherwise overlooked by your average traveler. 

6. Cultural exchange in Morocco with EIL

houses painted blue and white

Step outside your comfort zone on The Experiment in International Living’s Morocco: Multiculturalism in North Africa program. For those high school students passionate about exploring other cultures and learning what makes a culture unique, this is the program for you. Morocco has been influenced by Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, making it a melting pot of customs, traditions and cuisines.

 This program will give you a first-hand experience in Moroccan traditions and culture, so as to better understand the country as a whole. You’ll dance, explore ancient ruins, learn how to cook, and bond with your host family.

7. Gap year in Austria with AIFS

valley in austria

Gap year: the ultimate senior trip. If you think that a few weeks, or a month in the summer, just won’t cut it for you, a gap year might be a good option. If you love the idea of taking some time to travel out in the world on your own for a semester, or a year, before heading to college, a gap year is definitely a good option for you. 

AIFS’ Gap Year Program in Salzburg, Austria allows you to earn college credit while traveling through Austria, Europe, and beyond. You can get the full cultural experience by living in a homestay, or get a taste of what college life might be like by living in a student residence hall. Throughout your semester or year, you’ll have endless amounts of cultural excursions and social activities, which will give you a chance to meet other globetrotters like you, as well as other Austrian students your age. 

More resources to plan the senior trip abroad of your dreams

Wherever you decide to go on your senior trip abroad, you’re guaranteed to have an amazing time learning about that great, big world out there! We know the idea of planning such a big trip can be intimidating, so here are a few more articles to help you get ready for your high school abroad experience. Just eight steps and you'll be well on your way to turning your "senior trip ideas" into "senior trip memories."

  • Create a MyGoAbroad account to save and compare your favorite senior trips.
  • Start fundraising with FundMyTravel.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of going abroad and if it’s right for you.
  • Know before you go tips for making the most of your trip abroad.
  • Let us convince you to take a gap year and travel the world.
  • Need to convince your favorite teacher to take you abroad? We got you covered.
  • Still trying to convince mom & dad? Yeah, we have you covered there, too
  • Wait, don’t even have senior trip ideas yet? Our online advisors do.
  • We know coming up with totally awesome senior trip ideas is a big task. You’ve got to get your parents, friends, friends’ parents, and maybe even your whole class, teachers, or administration on board. That’s no easy feat, but starting this process early to get approval from all parties is crucial.

    Luckily, choosing to go through an organized program will take a lot of logistical pressure off of you and the adults in your life. And what parent/teacher/principal can say no to nothing being added to their schedule/on their plate?

    Not to mention, the earlier you can make plans, the earlier you can fundraise to supplement the costs of your super rad senior trip and guarantee that you and all your friends can afford to go have an AMAZING time abroad. You can hit the slopes next year.

    Take these senior trip ideas to the next level!

    boy and girl sitting on park bench with cool shoes on

    Grab your bestie(s) and go abroad for your senior trip!

    Ready to jump on a plane yet? Trust us when we say that you’ll never regret giving up a weekend at the boardwalk for a life-changing, whirlwind senior trip abroad. This is an incredible chance to get out and see the world before you head off to your next great adventure of college, a gap year, work, and beyond!

    You’ll experience new cultures, see incredible vistas, try different foods, and learn to love a lifestyle different than your own, making you all the more prepared for whatever comes next. Embrace this opportunity and get ready to have your world rocked – literally.

    Get Matched with 5 Travel Programs Abroad for FREE
